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COVID 19 - Challenges & Opportunities

Those of us in hospitality can use the challenges presented by the COVID 19 crisis to build community in our restaurants.

Yes, this is a crisis unlike any other we have ever seen in our industry. Massachusetts restaurants have just been forced to serve "take out" only and not allow dine in guests. Wow...this is a crazy time. What must have been a very hard decision was just announced by our Governor, but, in my opinion, it was the right one. These are difficult times indeed.

However, through the challenges of this crisis there is also an opportunity, an opportunity for transparency as you navigate the many decisions you, the owners and managers have to make. This is a time to share this process with your team. Don't spring decisions on your staff but include them in the decision making process taking their ideas and suggestions into consideration. Let them in on the reasons "why" you are making certain decisions. Educate them on the financial impact of the current crisis. Chances are they have no idea that the bills are still due and the impact the loss of revenue will have on your cash position...never mind your lost paycheck. Communicate with everyone equally, from your GM's right down to your dishwashers. Engage your team, make them a part of the process & build trust!

Most importantly, recognize that they too are going through their own personal challenges as a result of lost hours and income. Make their well being a priority. Email or text your team every day or two and let them know the latest news. Provide help as they navigate the Commonwealth's assistance it unemployment benefits or other support that is available to them. Let them know that you are still there for them.

These next few weeks will be like none we in hospitality have ever seen. Together, as one community, with owners, managers and team members standing side by side, we will get through it and come out stronger than ever.

If there is anything I can do for anyone in hospitality...owners, managers or staff, I am offering Pro Bono services to anyone effected by this crisis. I'm here to help so don't hesitate to reach out.

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